About Me
- Cornfield Quilter
- Indiana, United States
- Passionate quilter for 32 years, machine quilter for 12. I live in N.W. Indiana and love the world of quilting blogs and Quiltville mysteries.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Quilty Saturday
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Fat Tuesday on Thursday

The last Tuesday of every month is "Fat Tuesday" at Bits and Pieces. All fat quarters are reduced and that is when I stock up. I was in a "Spring" mood this month and stocked up with these wonderful spring colored fabrics. What is even better on "Fat Tuesday" is you put your name in for a drawing of a stack of FQ's. I have won a stack a long time ago and so I have to go back each month to try and win one again. I love "Fat Tuesdays"!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mya and her quilt!
Wonderful Weekend
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday's Quilt
Monday, May 19, 2008
Fun Weekend!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Need Some Help Please!

I need some help! We quilting ladies at the church are going to be making quilts for our Mission Team to take to Mexico with them in August. My question is, would you use batting in these quilts since it is so hot down there? Someone suggested a piece of flannel, but wouldn't that be hot too? These quilts are specifically for babies. The team that was there before said that since the people don't have much they wrap their newborns in rags or whatever they have. That just broke our hearts and we wanted these children to have something better. Last evening I got my charm packs out and one package makes a perfect size little quilt. I am so excited about this project and am looking forward to having our team provide these little ones with quilts they can keep for a lifetime.
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!
Monday, May 12, 2008
OC Step 4 and Tumblers

Friday, May 9, 2008
Spring has sprung!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Nearly Insane

Monday, May 5, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008
Maverick Stars Quilt
I am looking forward to the weekend, will be handquilting on a wholecloth quilt on Saturday for our Quilt Ministry at church and then the rest of the weekend I need to work on customer quilts. Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Feathered Cross Quilt
I love this quilt. I first saw the pattern on Mereth's blog - www.artfulsister.blogspot.com. She had a tutorial of the pattern and I knew I had to make it. I would get up every morning at 5:00 so I could sew for an hour before work. By the end of harvest (Nov.) I had the top done. I still haven't quilted it because I haven't decided whether to do it by hand or by machine.
One never knows how we may make an impression on someone else's life, Mereth has made quite an impression on mine. Thanks Mereth so much for posting your wonderful quilts, you are an artist in my eyes.