About Me
- Cornfield Quilter
- Indiana, United States
- Passionate quilter for 32 years, machine quilter for 12. I live in N.W. Indiana and love the world of quilting blogs and Quiltville mysteries.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another Hexagon
Check It Out!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"Above All Fabric Give-Away!
It ends on February 1st so don't delay, you just might win.
I have put a button on my sidebar to take you there, Enjoy!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wedding Aprons!
In 2 weeks on Valentine's Day, hubby, myself, and 2 other couples will be serving dinner for a friend of ours who is getting married at our church. The couple sat down with us after church this last Sunday and we got all the details and what needs to be done, there will be 100 guests so that won't be too bad. The bride has picked brown and pink as her colors so I decided to make aprons for all of us to wear and we are supposed to wear pink shirts. :D
I went through my stash and found all the fabrics for the ladies' aprons but will get plain brown fabric for the guys. Below is a pix of the apron and then a close up so you can see the fabrics.
I really think these turned out cute and I won't mind wearing them here at home in the future.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Quilt Finish
I finally have a finish, it seems like forever since my last. I put the final stitches in the binding late last night while watching "The DaVinci Code". I love that movie! Anyway, I snapped a pix this morning and finally got it posted. The quilt looks orange but it is really pink.
Have still been working on the Hexagons, but that will be a long and slow process. This afternoon I am making 3 aprons. In 3 weeks hubby and I, along with 2 other couples will be serving a wedding party dinner at our church. The 3 guys will be cooking the meal and then we will all serve it and do the clean up, over 100 guests will be attending. I know it will be alot of fun and am looking forward to it. I will post a pix of the aprons as soon as they are done. The brides colors are pink and brown, right up my alley!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hexagons Again
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hexagons And A Flower Garden
I put the final border on my DD quilt this evening. Again, the lighting in the bedroom is not good but you know the colors from a previous pix. I know the pix is sideways but I wanted to get a good view of the corners. Gotta love them! It will now be put in line to be quilted.
I have my paper pieces printed and ready to go and will dig out some of my scraps and decide this evening what I shall be making. Wish me luck!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
DD Quilt

Friday, January 16, 2009
Quilts Are On Their Way!
Enjoy ladies and please let me know when they arrive safely. :D
I am now going back to staying warm here in my office at work, I have the space heater on my feet, my scarf accross my lap, and 2 shirts and a corduroy jacket on. I will be warm but won't be able to move! LOL
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
All Gone!
It is snowing heavily here in NW Indiana this morning and later today the temps will drop further and the wind will start blowing, temps in the minus numbers they say. Right now it is so beautiful out, snow falling, it looks like fairy dust one of my friends said. She was right, is does look like fairy dust! Have a wonderful day and I hope you are warm wherever you are!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Old Projects and a Giveaway
My DD Pieces
Quilt Pattern
The weather here in NW Indiana is going to get nasty today. We had snow last night, the temperature is starting to drop, and of course, the wind has started to blow. A typical winter day here. I would like to just stay home and sew all day in my nice warm studio but alas I must venture out. Thank heaven I have a good floor heater at the elevator!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Something Old

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Quilt in the Machine
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Slow But Sure
Friday, January 2, 2009
Quiltville Mystery
The bear quilt last night was a big hit and Chris, the recipient, was speechless. I know every time he looks at the quilt or covers up with it he will remember the vacation from last summer. Memories that will last his lifetime.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Mystery and Quilts!
I took this quilt out of the machine, all quilted, and have the binding ready to sew on.
I worked on my new project for a bit and this is the next step in the piecing process. I am really liking how it is turning out and it does go relatively quickly. That I really like!
I decided to get a new quilt in the machine that I will be quilting. It is a beautiful Old Tobacco Road quilt that belongs to Tyler Rose. She does beautiful work and I am honored to be the one to quilt this one. I like to put a quilt in and let it sit a day to "rest". You know how deep the creases can be in batting, well, I have found that if I let it "rest" a day they appear to me to not be quite so bad. Isn't it wonderful?!
Last but not least, I am finally getting to cut out the "Quiltville" mystery. Doing these mysteries has really opened up new horizon's for me as far as all the cool rulers one can use. I LOVE the Easy Angle ruler! It has saved me so much fabric, in my opinion, and that means more quilts! I always love to see what others come up with in their fabric choices too.
Tonight the group of us that went to Canada last summer are getting together for dinner and we are going to give the "Bear Quilt" tonight to Chris. I have my camera ready to go for pictures, I just hope he won't be too bashful! :D