Some people think I am crazy, Christmas is coming, lots of things yet to do, and I start working on two new projects. I have decided that doing the "Leader Ender" process that Bonnie Hunter is known for, is the way to go. I rarely have had to cut threads and it is amazing how quickly the blocks seem to get completed.
This first pix is of a pattern called "Leftovers Again?" from the book "40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts". I love Evelyn Sloppy patterns and since I have all these wonderful pieces of fabric leftover I thought this would be a great pattern to use. I have all the light blocks done and half the dark ones so it is moving right along.

The other leader ender quilt project has no name yet. I have all these great "Merry and Bright" fabric scraps and some yardage, and after looking at some of these small quilts with teeny 4 patches I was so inspired I thought I would have a go at one. I haven't made one with such small pieces before, so far it has been quite an experience. Wish me luck!

Last but not least, this week I received a wonderful Thank You note, a new pattern and a wonderful new quilt book hot off the presses! Here is what led up to this wonderful surprise. Last spring when the states out west of here were having terrible floods and alot of people lost everything they owned, I read on the G. E. Designs blog that we quilters that had fabric and such that would like to donate to these women, we could send them to her and she would see that these quilters would get the donations. So, I went thru my stash and sent off a box post haste.
Well, this week Gurdrun Erla sent these wonderful things to me as a thank you and I am shocked. What a great surprise! A wonderful display of projects to add to my list of things I want to make.

Last but not least, hubby and I finished up the Christmas shopping!! Now, to get it all wrapped. Have a great week everyone!! :D
What wonderful surprises in the mail. Have you checked out Bonnie's "Mad City Mama" quilt she just posted on her blog. I think I am going to try it. Good one for your small pieces.
wonderfull idea, i like your Quilts--
my english is bad, but i translate your site on google
Well you had a great weekend if you managed to finish shopping. I am not even started! Love your new projects. I also like the leader/ender method, even if you don't have any little triangles to sew, you can always use a scrap. I think it is a great way to save on winding bobbins!
I sometimes wonder if leaders and enders aren't some lovely rationalization for starting new projects before we finish off the old? It is so easy to say to yourself, "I couldn't possibly start a new project right now, but I need something to push through as leaders and enders" Good luck with the mini four patches. I keep thinking I will try some miniature doll quilts for my girls, but I haven't been that brave yet.
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