Today was sewing day for Jenna, here are her pattern and all the pieces of fabric for the quilt. Her mom dropped her off and she was really excited to get started!
It didn't take her long to get back into the hang of sewing. The only trouble she had was trying to decide which fabrics to put together, "they were all so pretty", she kept saying. I told her to just close her eyes and pick one, but no, it was a process for her, so she took her time.

I would take the fabrics that she had picked out and pinned them together. They tended to slide apart while sewing so the pins helped. She would stop before the needle reached them and stop, take out the pin and then continue on. Very time consuming but she doesn't care, she just wants her quilt to look nice on her bed.

Jenna sewed for 2 hours and then Hubby and I took her to Monicals for salad and pizza for lunch. Jenna is such the conversationalist, she never runs out of things to talk about, and we had so much fun! After we had eaten almost the whole pizza, we came back home and sewed for another hour or so. Hubby and I took Jenna home, her blocks in a baggie to show her mom and dad, she was so excited to show them what she had done. Another sewing date is being planned, and the next time she will bring her sewing machine that she got for Christmas to my house and so we can both sew together! I can't think of a better sewing buddy than Jenna. :D

By the way, while she was busy sewing, I was ironing the little quilt I started last night. I have all these half square triangles that I just have to do something with since I love the fabric so much. I just started sewing them together and this is how they are turning out. Kinda cute I think!