About Me
- Cornfield Quilter
- Indiana, United States
- Passionate quilter for 32 years, machine quilter for 12. I live in N.W. Indiana and love the world of quilting blogs and Quiltville mysteries.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Back to Sewing
Christmas is over, the tree is gone, and the decorations are put away. Another wonderful holiday here with many happy memories. Here is the quilt I was working on and is now bound, labeled, and hanging on the quilt rack in the living room. I love the colors and will enjoy covering up with it this winter.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
My first Christmas gift came in the mail yesterday morning!
Thank you so much Kim for this wonderful book, I will cherish it always!
We are getting ready to go to Grandma's house, just like the song say, but I wanted to send Christmas wishes from my house to yours. Be safe and may all your Christmas wishes come true!
Hugs to all!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Back in the Groove!
After a great church service this morning, I came home and finally got back in the groove of quilting again! It felt soooooo good, I can't begin to tell you how good! I have missed being in the studio so much! I finished up doing a customer quilt that I started right before harvest and now I can concentrate on getting mine done. YIPPEE!!
I put this quilt in the machine and will start on it tomorrow after work. It should take no time at all to quilt, will do an overall since the quilt is so busy.
I have been working on the applique on this quilt off and on but can now concentrate on this too. It is coming along nicely. It will be a wonderful winter project this year, so many more leaves to go.
I can now also now visit all the blogs I have missed. It will be fun to catch up and see what you all are doing! I want to wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season this next week!
I put this quilt in the machine and will start on it tomorrow after work. It should take no time at all to quilt, will do an overall since the quilt is so busy.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'm Still Here!
It seems like forever since I have posted and I guess it has been. Harvest is almost over finally so there will be more time to do some sewing! Below is what I have been working on early in the mornings before going to work, and last night I put a few blocks together.
Now I will go and check out what you all have been doing, I have missed blogland!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Morning Sewing
Since harvest is being drawn out because of all the rain we have had, I have had to find a project to work on before I go to work and when I come home late. I got out this Garden Path quilt to work on. I didn't like the patterns that came with this package, I like to cut nice even numbers and not make templates, so I just got out one of my books and picked out the ones I wanted to make.
Here are few of the blocks I came up with. I always buy extra fabric when doing a project so I didn't have to worry about running out.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Vintage Patches
Another oldie but goodie! Last night I finished up this wonderful quilt called Vintage Patches by Evelyn Sloppy.
Many many years ago a few of us quilters were sitting around a table at Bits and Pieces and decided to have a block swap with this pattern. It was so much fun and alot of wonderful fabrics were used. Some ladies have had their quilts done for a long time and last night I put the last stitch in mine. I will treasure it always!
Friday, November 6, 2009
I have had a friend ask me how I do my Hexagons. I can't seem to upload this pix to my e-mail so I thought I would just post it on my blog. I have to baste the fabric to the little papers and then sew them all together. Once that is done I then take out the papers. So easy, a little more time consuming, but the only way I can keep the design to look like hexagons. Have fun with it!
It really is addictive and very portable. :D
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween to one and all! As you can see by this pix it is a beautiful day here in NW Indiana. There is a cool wind blowing briskly but what a great fall day! I finished my "Fringe Benefit" quilt and just had to get an outside pix of it.
We have had alot of rain here in the last few weeks so havest is going very slow! It will clear up, the farmers will get in the fields, get a good days work in and then it will rain. At this rate we figure we will still be taking in corn at the elevator at Christmas! One thing about it, we are all in this together so we are all taking it in stride. Our farmers are just the greatest!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
An Old Project
Here is an old project that I remembered I had this morning coming home from getting groceries. I found the quilt right away and hung it up to take a pix. This is "Emma's Courtyard" by Jo Morton. It is supposed to have one more big border on it that is all appliqued. I have the blocks put together to applique but I just don't want to do them. I like this just the way it is, and it is a really nice size already. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! It will now go into my "ready to quilt pile".
Friday, October 23, 2009
Fall has arrived!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Sunday Finish!
I was given this beautiful Sunday off from working at the elevator, and so after church I came home and worked on Sherman's March to try and get it all put together. I am so happy with how it turned out!
Now off to work on some applique and try and figure out what quilt I will work on next. I have to piece something before going to work every morning. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday Fun
Since it was too wet for the farmers to be in the field yesterday, hubby and I went and got groceries and I had to make a stop at one of my favorite quilt shops. FQ's was what I needed, so here are a few that I picked up. Don't know what will become of these, but that is ok, I will find the right project this winter for them.
Now these I will use to finish up my applique quilt with. I have had a hard time lately trying to find the really small printed 30's fabric and then I came across these. This should work just fine.
It is early here and still dark outside. After church I will be finishing up machine quilting a quilt for a friend that will be given to a woman's shelter and then after I get her other one loaded I will be working or Sherman's March. Just about have all the blocks done. I am getting so excited to get it finished!

Hope your Sunday is everything you want it to be! Hugs :D
Friday, October 9, 2009
It's Friday Again!
It is Friday again, time seems to be just flying by! There is never enough time for sewing and quilting! I have been able to work on Sherman's March for a little while each morning before work so there has been some progress.
I take a few minutes each night to put a leaf or two on my 30's quilt so it is progressing bit by little bit.
And this last weekend I got these three to stop for a minute to get a quick pix.
It has been raining again for 2 days so the farmers won't be doing any harvesting today. There is so much grain out in the fields around here still, we will be doing this at Christmas time. We have been joking about that but now I am beginning to think it might happen. It will get done in due time, it always does. TGIF to all!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
What a cold rainy night for football! It didn't damper our spirits though, watching our oldest grandson play football! His team won the game in the last few minutes as the clock ticked the seconds away. It was awesome!!! Pictured below is Derrick, my daughter Jess, and my grandaughter Jenna.
I know Derrick's mom is watching from heaven and is so proud of him too!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
One Down 41 To Go!
Harvest is in full swing and yesterday we worked 7 to 7. They are calling for rain today but we shall see. It has been hit and miss all summer.
Off to work on another block before I leave for work. Have a great day!
Monday, September 28, 2009
It's Monday again and am ready for work. I would rather stay home and sew, naturally, but darn I can't. It rained last night so no farmers will be hauling in grain today. Probably will be pretty quiet at the elevator.
I am still working on "Sherman's March". There are alot of pieces but it will be worth all this work in the end. When I do the half square triangles I mark each block. That takes alot of time but it is the only way I can get an accurate seam.
Just when I think I have them almost done more seem to appear behind my machine. I guess they were just hiding. :D
I am still working on "Sherman's March". There are alot of pieces but it will be worth all this work in the end. When I do the half square triangles I mark each block. That takes alot of time but it is the only way I can get an accurate seam.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Fun Projects for Winter
Harvest has started in my part of the world so I will be working long hours and won't get much quilting done for the next few months. I have been doing some sewing before work but not as much as I would like, so I am looking ahead to winter and getting my projects lined up. Below is "Golden Memories" by Lori Smith. I have loved this pattern for quite a while now and so I decided it would be fun to do when the snow is flying. These warm colors really appealed to me.
These are some of the main fabrics I will be using for this quilt. A few pieces I already had but the ones on the left I picked up this last weekend. I just love the colors.
Next is the Web Samplet quilt. I picked the finishing kit from Common Threads because of the applique. I think it looks wonderful with the blocks surrounding it.

And finally, this is what I am working on now before work. It is "Sherman's March" from Bonnie Blue Quilts. There are tons of small pieces to this quilt but it will be stunning when it is done. It really goes fast once you get all the pieces cut. :D
Last but not least, I want to thank all you wonderful ladies that comment on my blog. I haven't had much time to get back and thank you all for stopping by, and for that I apologize. Don't have time at work to get this task done and the evenings I have to fight hubby for the computer. LOL He is in the other room this evening and so I took advantage of this opportunity to get a post in. Again thank you!
And finally, this is what I am working on now before work. It is "Sherman's March" from Bonnie Blue Quilts. There are tons of small pieces to this quilt but it will be stunning when it is done. It really goes fast once you get all the pieces cut. :D
That is all for now. So many blogs to check out, so little time!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunny Saturday!
What a beautiful sunny Saturday in NW Indiana! Temperature is perfect, the sun is shining and there is a wonderful breeze! Fall is definately in the air today and the leaves in this area have started to get that golden, rusty red color. My favorite time of the year! I quilted today, canned 6 pints and 2 quarts of tomato juice, did the laundry and cleaned house. I am beat so I am going to have some fun the rest of the day. :D
The fun stuff---
The quilt below is the quilt my quilty friend pieced for me. She was in town this last week and we had dinner together on Thursday evening and she brought this beauty to me. It is a Carol Hopkins pattern, "Baskets for Betsy" and I love how it turned out!
Below is the quilt I am quilting for her in exchange for her piecing my quilt. We have had this arrangement for quite a while now and it suits us both. We even have the same first name, how weird is that?? I am so glad we connected all those years ago and I look forward to many more to come in the future! Her quilt is made up of all different bears and they are all adorable. Her piecing is exquisite so it is a true joy to quilt them.
I had a wonderful surprise from the mailman at noon. One of my PIF gals sent me a darling table topper that matches my colors in my studio perfectly. Isn't it wonderful? Thank you so much again Angela, it was so sweet of you!
You couldn't have picked anything more perfect!
Have a wonderful quilty weekend!
The fun stuff---
The quilt below is the quilt my quilty friend pieced for me. She was in town this last week and we had dinner together on Thursday evening and she brought this beauty to me. It is a Carol Hopkins pattern, "Baskets for Betsy" and I love how it turned out!
Friday, September 4, 2009
TGIF and Holiday Weekend
It is TGIF and also a wonderful holiday weekend! I finished piecing my "Fringe Benefit" quilt as soon as I got home from work and I am loving it! What a nice little accent quilt to go along with my "Old Time Treasures" quilt! These will go next in line to quilt when I finish my "quilty friends" quilt! As an added bonus, my "Quilt Sampler" magazine arrived today. Wow, it just doesn't get much better than this!
Have a safe and quilty holiday weekend!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Finally a Post!
It has been a long time since I have posted and I feel bad, but I haven't gotten back into a routine since I got back from vacation. I started small and worked on these little pin cushions to try and get my groove back. I guess I have been just too darn lazy. I like how they turned out but they are alot smaller than I thought they would be. I love them cause I used up some more scraps. Yeah!
I have really been into the reds lately and when I saw the new Inkwell Reds, well I just had to have them. Don't you just love em!!

This next pix is a little sneak peek of a scrap quilt I have been working on between work and quilting a quilt for my "quilty friend". You know who you are. Hopefully I will get alot of it done this weekend! That is my goal! :D Anyway the scrap quilt below is mainly leftover half square triangles from the quilt I pieced on vacation, "Old-Time Treasures". I guess you could call it my "Fringe Benefit" quilt.
It is over the hump day and a holiday weekend is coming up. YIPPEE!!! Hope you all have a safe and fantabulous weekend!
This next pix is a little sneak peek of a scrap quilt I have been working on between work and quilting a quilt for my "quilty friend". You know who you are. Hopefully I will get alot of it done this weekend! That is my goal! :D Anyway the scrap quilt below is mainly leftover half square triangles from the quilt I pieced on vacation, "Old-Time Treasures". I guess you could call it my "Fringe Benefit" quilt.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
More Quilty Vacation Pix
I wanted to show some of the fabric I brought home from vacation. It is always fun to go to new shops that you have never been to and see some of the new lines out for fall. One of the shops we stopped out had the "Gobble Gobble" line by Moda but had no fat quarters cut. They were so kind to cut them for me of the whole line. I love the fall fabrics!
Another shop we stopped at had some great civil war fabrics and so I had to get some yardage of them. A couple of these will be great backgrounds and of course a few FQ's jumped into my bag to come home with me too.
I always like some fun quilt kits and I thought these would be great to have.

This last pix is some of the applique I am doing on a quilt that was a block swap with quilty friends back in 2002. This is one of my "must get done" quilts. I am enjoying adding the flowers and leaves, love the 30's repo fabrics. They are just so fun and cheery. This is taking alot of time but that's ok. It will be so worth it when it is all done
Home Sweet Home
We are back home again in Indiana and there is truly "No place like home"!!!!! We had a wonderful trip and the weather everywhere we went was wonderful! The first few days everyone went fishing and I stayed at the cabin and worked on a couple of quilts that had been started but not finished, so I worked on those two first. The quilt below is called "Old Time Treasures" and it was fun to make and used up a nice little stack of my scraps.
The next quilt I finished was a "Web Sampler Quilt" from different shops that I ordered from off the internet. I loved the fabrics in this quilt and was so happy to get it completed.
This next pix is of the magnificent view I saw while sewing. There was a couple of days that the lake was so calm that it looked like a sheet of glass out there, but after that a front came through and we had alot of wind and the lake was pretty choppy. Bear season had then opened and everyone went bear hunting (except me) after that.
Everyone got their bears except 2. One of the ladies that traveled with us got a Boone & Crocket Record Book Bear with a bow and arrow, and she, her husband, and the bear were interviewed by a man that has a hunting television show. They even helped pull it out of the swamp on a sled since they had a 4 wheeler.
After packing up and tending to the bears we left Atikokan Ontario and headed for Stoughton Saskatchewan so the guys could hunt for Elk. Below is my husband with his that he got with a bow and arrow.
This trip was great since we stopped at some great quilt shops along the way to Canada. We shopped at "Quilted Treasures" in Rogers, MN, "Bear Patch Quilting Co." in White Bear Lake, MN., "Charlottes Quilting Web" at Stillwater and while we were in Saskatchewan we went to "Quilters Haven". All shops were so friendly and helpful and of course the fabrics and displays were awesome! It was a great trip this year but as I said before, there is no place like home!!

After packing up and tending to the bears we left Atikokan Ontario and headed for Stoughton Saskatchewan so the guys could hunt for Elk. Below is my husband with his that he got with a bow and arrow.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
New Quilt Started
I promised myself I would not start another quilt until I finished the ones I already have started but I just couldn't resist this one. I have wanted to make this one for at least
a couple of years and tonight I started piecing "Old Time Treasures". This is made with nothing but scraps which is one of my priorities this year. Do you find fabric you forgot you had when you go through your stash? Alot of this fabric was forgotten, but not anymore!
Here is one block done, just had to put one together to be sure it was going to look like I wanted it to. Love it! This is just the beginning and have a long way to go but it should be awesome.

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