I wanted to show an old quilt that I did back in the early 80's when I was really getting into quilting. This took me alot of time but it was worth it. I made it out of scrap and quilted the motifs in pink thread. I usually keep it in my quilt chest but I pull it out periodically to just look at it and remember when....
About Me
- Cornfield Quilter
- Indiana, United States
- Passionate quilter for 32 years, machine quilter for 12. I live in N.W. Indiana and love the world of quilting blogs and Quiltville mysteries.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Some Things Old-Some Things New
I wanted to show an old quilt that I did back in the early 80's when I was really getting into quilting. This took me alot of time but it was worth it. I made it out of scrap and quilted the motifs in pink thread. I usually keep it in my quilt chest but I pull it out periodically to just look at it and remember when....
Monday, September 22, 2008
Weekend Sewing

Friday, September 19, 2008
Primitive Walking Stick
If you look real close you can see he made the heart and stripes on the cane by just cutting away the outside layer. Pretty cool! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
OTR Quilt in Progress

I changed a few and this is what is looked like this morning after actually sewing some of the pieces together. It will be pretty colorful but I love it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pinwheels & Hurricanes
Hurricane Ike has really affected this area in Indiana. It had rained so much in Chicago, IL that part of the interstates have been closed routing traffic through our area. We had backed up semis for over 3 miles, waiting on a stop light to change so they could continue on. What a sight that has been. Tomorrow the interstate should be open and then all will be back to normal. Who would ever have thought that a hurricane in Texas would cause many traffic jams in a cornfield area of Indiana! Go figure. :D
Monday, September 15, 2008
Weekend Quilty Fun
At noon I went and picked up my quilty friend and off we went to Rossville, which is about an hour south and east of where I live. I am sure you have heard Ruthie post about this shop on her blog and I agree, it is a great shop!
The ladies in the shop were so helpful and friendly! One of them was telling me about their embroidery classes they have. Well, I have a Bernina with the embroidery attachments that I have never used and so I may just have to take some classes and learn how.
They were just cutting this group of FQ and I absolutely love this group, Cotton Blossom I think the line is, and I love the group on the right but not sure what line it is. Love the colors.
My Grandson wants me to make his girlfriend a quilt for Christmas and so I will use the Cotton Blossom fabric and since I needed a pattern for it I decided the "Strip Delight" book would have what I needed.
My last and most important purchases were a couple of backings and bindings for 2 quilts that are just waiting to be finished. One is for a UFO that I have had for at least 5 years and so I hope to get it quilted this fall yet and the other for a Christmas present that I am currently working on. And the best part they were all on SALE!
If you are ever in the area be sure to stop and check it out. You will be glad you did. :D Last but not least, I am still plugging away on the OTR quilt. I have over half of the pinwheels done so the end of those are in sight. I must say, pinwheels are not my favorite block to make. I just keep thinking about the finished quilt. I have seen such wonderful OTC's so far so I know it will all be worth it!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Old Tobacco Road Quilt

I have got a good start on the pinwheels last evening and worked on them again this morning. If I have learned nothing else since doing the Quiltville Mysteries, learning to use the Easy Angle ruler was a blessing! I get almost perfect HS triangles every time and there is no waste, which is great with the price of fabric these days. Thanks Bonnie!!!
These are the stacks I did this morning before work. I just zipped right through them. :D
I look forward to each step in the process and will post pictures again when the whole quilt is done. I pre-ordered Bonnie's book yesterday and am looking forward to more great scrappy quilts in the future. Again, thanks for all your work Bonnie, it is greatly appreciated!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weekend Fun

I just had to have another pix so I got as close as I could and still keep it in focus. Amazing!!

When I got to moms house I noticed the little quilt I had made for her almost 10 years ago and decided to get a shot of it to show. I saw a pattern of it in a miniature quilt book and thought I would give it a try. When it was done I had it framed and gave it to mom one Christmas I believe and she has had it in the same place all this time. It was not an easy quilt to make, and I will never make another one, but I do love it!

Last but not least, Sunday was Jenna's sewing day with Grandma Carol. She decided she wanted to make a bag. I had purchased a few of them in Paducah this last spring and so she picked out the one she wanted and the sewing began. I love the jelly rolls that this purse is made of, it sure saved us from the cutting process. I am not quite ready to give the rotary cutter, they are just too sharp! This is what she got done before our time was up, good job Jenna! Next weekend we should be able to finish the assembly process and make the handles. What you see in the pix is the front piece and the back piece of the bag.
Since Jenna was with me, Leah had her cousin Allie come and spend the afternoon with her. What a cute group of girls we have here-Jenna, Allie, and Leah.
That was my weekend. As you can see I am truly blessed and I thank God everyday for my family!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Quilt Shops and Plays
They were having great sales but I ended up with fabric that wasn't. DD found a new quilt she would like to have and I bought fabric to make some skirts for the Grandaughters, sorry no pix were taken of the fabric. Here are a couple of quilts that were hanging outside on the fence by the parking lot. If you ever are in the area be sure to stop, you will be glad you did. :D
After a little more shopping we had to get ready to go downtown to see "Lion King". DD only lives 12 minutes away so it didn't take long to get there. It was wonderful! There is nothing like sitting in a theatre and watching a performance like this. Absolutely amazing! As we were waiting for the play I had a pix taken of the ceiling. I thought it would make a great center for a quilt!
Here is a great keepsake of the theatre!
Isn't this beautiful! Maybe someday I will try and recreate this in fabric.
We always have such a good time when we go to Columbus and when we come home here is what we see as we cross the border into Indiana. We are half way home at this point. Look how blue the sky was, isn't it beautiful!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The first name drawn for the quilt kit is.........

Congratulations to all you ladies! Please drop me a note with your addresses and I will get them out to you asap! This has been alot of fun and I will do it again in the future. It is fun to see who drops by and reads your blog and now I have more blogs that I can visit!!! :D