What a beautiful sunny Saturday in NW Indiana! Temperature is perfect, the sun is shining and there is a wonderful breeze! Fall is definately in the air today and the leaves in this area have started to get that golden, rusty red color. My favorite time of the year! I quilted today, canned 6 pints and 2 quarts of tomato juice, did the laundry and cleaned house. I am beat so I am going to have some fun the rest of the day. :D
The fun stuff---
The quilt below is the quilt my quilty friend pieced for me. She was in town this last week and we had dinner together on Thursday evening and she brought this beauty to me. It is a Carol Hopkins pattern, "Baskets for Betsy" and I love how it turned out!

Below is the quilt I am quilting for her in exchange for her piecing my quilt. We have had this arrangement for quite a while now and it suits us both. We even have the same first name, how weird is that?? I am so glad we connected all those years ago and I look forward to many more to come in the future! Her quilt is made up of all different bears and they are all adorable. Her piecing is exquisite so it is a true joy to quilt them.

I had a wonderful surprise from the mailman at noon. One of my PIF gals sent me a darling table topper that matches my colors in my studio perfectly. Isn't it wonderful? Thank you so much again Angela, it was so sweet of you!

You couldn't have picked anything more perfect!

Have a wonderful quilty weekend!