We are back home again in Indiana and there is truly "No place like home"!!!!! We had a wonderful trip and the weather everywhere we went was wonderful! The first few days everyone went fishing and I stayed at the cabin and worked on a couple of quilts that had been started but not finished, so I worked on those two first. The quilt below is called "Old Time Treasures" and it was fun to make and used up a nice little stack of my scraps.

The next quilt I finished was a "Web Sampler Quilt" from different shops that I ordered from off the internet. I loved the fabrics in this quilt and was so happy to get it completed.

This next pix is of the magnificent view I saw while sewing. There was a couple of days that the lake was so calm that it looked like a sheet of glass out there, but after that a front came through and we had alot of wind and the lake was pretty choppy. Bear season had then opened and everyone went bear hunting (except me) after that.

Everyone got their bears except 2. One of the ladies that traveled with us got a Boone & Crocket Record Book Bear with a bow and arrow, and she, her husband, and the bear were interviewed by a man that has a hunting television show. They even helped pull it out of the swamp on a sled since they had a 4 wheeler.
After packing up and tending to the bears we left Atikokan Ontario and headed for Stoughton Saskatchewan so the guys could hunt for Elk. Below is my husband with his that he got with a bow and arrow.

This trip was great since we stopped at some great quilt shops along the way to Canada. We shopped at "Quilted Treasures" in Rogers, MN, "Bear Patch Quilting Co." in White Bear Lake, MN., "Charlottes Quilting Web" at Stillwater and while we were in Saskatchewan we went to "Quilters Haven". All shops were so friendly and helpful and of course the fabrics and displays were awesome! It was a great trip this year but as I said before, there is no place like home!!